The 2002 Hotel
Study, which refers to the period of 2001, brought
out some very important conclusions about the
hotel industry of Greece:
- The market
mix differs significantly according to
the hotel category. For example, while the
percentage of luxury hotels' clients from
tour operators and travel agents is 45%, in
other categories it reaches 75%. The respective
percentage in Europe is about 31% for all
- The Average
Room Rate of hotels is low (around 25.000
GRD on average) and becomes even lower (less
than 15.000 GRD) if we exclude the luxury
category from the sample. The respective average
for Europe is 33.000 GRD.
- The contribution
of labor cost in the overall cost is particularly
high (39 - 40% of turnover), irrespectively
of the category or the type of the hotel.
The respective percentage on a European level
is 31%, while it is even lower in luxury hotels
(28%). Obviously these indices reflect the
low turnover of Greek hotels in relation to
European hotels and not the excessive or overpaid
- Also, for
Greece, the personnel in luxury hotels (0,7 people / room) is more than double than
that in other categories (0,3). In the same
way, the turnover per employee in luxury hotels
is higher (more than 18 mln. GRD per employee)
than the rest (less than 13 mln.)
- As a result,
the GOP (Gross Operating Profit) for
most categories is rather low (between 20
and 30%), while the respective percentages
in Europe are over 30% and for some categories
(luxury and large hotels) they are near or
above 40%.
The study includes
detailed data on:
- market mix,
repeaters, client origin and nationality
- basic operation
indices (including Average Room Rate, double
occupancy factor, way of payment, discounts,
personnel data etc),
- Detailed
analysis of departmental turnover and expenses
- Definition
of the GOP
for the following
hotel categories
- All hotels
- Luxury hotels
- A class hotels
- City hotels
only - Luxury & A class
- Resort hotels
only - Luxury & A class
The Hotel Study was conducted under the auspices of
Sete and the support of Traveldailynews.
auspices of
the support of